details: 'mata timg 2v2'

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General information

Mini Map


team 1
NightElfLynx (purple | 43 APM | 1591 actions | 37:13)
Hero icon 8 Demon Hunter
Ability icon 3 Immolation
Ability icon 3 Evasion
Ability icon 1 Metamorphosis
Ability icon 1 Mana Burn

» actions
Assign group hotkey6
Basic commands97
Build / train90
ESC pressed1
Enter build submenu18
Enter hero's abilities submenu8
Give item / drop item1
Right click739
Select / deselect444
Select group hotkey110
Use ability77
1591 total
» units
73 total
» upgrades
Improved Bows1
Strength of the Moon2
Abolish Magic1
4 total
» buildings
Altar of Elders1
Moon Well6
Hunter's Hall1
Ancient of War4
Tree of Life3
Ancient Protector1
Tree of Ages1
Ancient of Wind1
Ancient of Lore1
19 total
» build order
00:13 Altar of Elders
00:23 Moon Well
01:53 Hunter's Hall
02:19 Ancient of War
02:21 Ancient of War
02:25 Moon Well
02:42 Moon Well
03:22 Tree of Life
05:22 Moon Well
07:53 Tree of Life
08:08 Ancient of War
08:10 Ancient of War
09:35 Ancient Protector
11:34 Tree of Ages
12:42 Moon Well
15:41 Moon Well
17:26 Ancient of Wind
18:06 Ancient of Lore
21:53 Tree of Life
» items
Periapt of Vitality1
Scroll of Town Portal1
Scroll of Protection1
3 total
OrcReturned (red | 54 APM | 2023 actions | 37:18)
Hero icon 8 Far Seer
Ability icon 3 Feral Spirit
Ability icon 3 Chain Lighting
Ability icon 1 Earth Quake
Ability icon 1 Far Sight

» actions
Assign group hotkey99
Basic commands153
Build / train72
ESC pressed3
Enter build submenu20
Enter hero's abilities submenu8
Give item / drop item2
Remove unit from queue4
Right click614
Select / deselect448
Select group hotkey464
Use ability136
2023 total
» units
Troll Witch Doctor7
Spirit Walker5
45 total
» upgrades
Melee Weapons1
Berserker Strength1
Witch Doctor Training2
Spirit Walker Training2
9 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms1
Orc Burrow6
War Mill1
Spirit Lodge2
Great Hall1
Watch Tower1
Tauren Totem2
Voodoo Lounge1
19 total
» build order
00:04 Altar of Storms
00:10 Orc Burrow
01:11 Barracks
01:18 Orc Burrow
01:43 War Mill
03:05 Stronghold
03:46 Orc Burrow
04:25 Barracks
05:37 Orc Burrow
09:31 Fortress
09:34 Spirit Lodge
09:37 Great Hall
11:55 Watch Tower
12:28 Tauren Totem
12:38 Tauren Totem
13:03 Voodoo Lounge
13:44 Orc Burrow
15:20 Orc Burrow
17:11 Spirit Lodge
» items
Scroll of Town Portal1
Lesser Clarity Potion1
2 total
team 2
Random» UndeadMata. (blue | 151 APM | 5624 actions | 37:19)
Hero icon 9 Death Knight
Ability icon 3 Death Coil
Ability icon 3 Unholy Aura
Ability icon 1 Animate Dead
Ability icon 2 Death Pact
Hero icon 8 Lich
Ability icon 3 Frost Nova
Ability icon 3 Frost Armor
Ability icon 1 Death and Decay
Ability icon 1 Dark Ritual

» actions
Assign group hotkey414
Basic commands65
Build / train90
ESC pressed2
Enter build submenu22
Enter hero's abilities submenu18
Right click2344
Select / deselect1173
Select group hotkey1279
Use ability217
5624 total
» units
Crypt Fiend19
Obsidian Statue7
44 total
» upgrades
Destroyer Form1
3 total
» buildings
Altar of Darkness1
Tomb of Relics1
Halls of the Dead2
Black Citadel2
20 total
» build order
00:06 Crypt
00:08 Ziggurat
00:10 Crypt
00:34 Graveyard
00:46 Altar of Darkness
01:35 Ziggurat
03:08 Crypt
03:41 Ziggurat
03:49 Tomb of Relics
06:35 Ziggurat
06:37 Halls of the Dead
06:37 Halls of the Dead
09:05 Slaughterhouse
09:08 Slaughterhouse
09:10 Slaughterhouse
11:16 Black Citadel
12:48 Ziggurat
12:50 Ziggurat
13:04 Ziggurat
» items
Rod of Necromancy1
Potion of Healing4
Potion of Mana2
Scroll of Town Portal4
Orb of Corruption1
Scroll of Healing1
13 total
NightElftimg4strok (orange | 126 APM | 4705 actions | 37:20)
Hero icon 8 Priestess of the Moon
Ability icon 3 Trueshot Aura
Ability icon 3 Searing Arrows
Ability icon 1 Starfall
Ability icon 1 Scout

» actions
Assign group hotkey34
Basic commands91
Build / train71
ESC pressed5
Enter build submenu25
Enter hero's abilities submenu8
Give item / drop item3
Right click2357
Select / deselect470
Select group hotkey1482
Use ability159
4705 total
» units
Druid of the Claw13
51 total
» upgrades
Druid of the Claw Training3
Reinforced Hides1
Strength of the Wild1
Abolish Magic1
7 total
» buildings
Altar of Elders1
Moon Well7
Hunter's Hall1
Ancient of War2
Tree of Ages1
Ancient of Lore5
Tree of Eternity1
Tree of Life6
Ancient of Wonders1
Ancient Protector1
26 total
» build order
00:19 Altar of Elders
00:20 Moon Well
01:29 Hunter's Hall
01:36 Ancient of War
02:03 Ancient of War
02:35 Moon Well
03:29 Moon Well
05:26 Moon Well
08:09 Tree of Ages
10:50 Ancient of Lore
10:51 Ancient of Lore
12:16 Ancient of Lore
12:17 Ancient of Lore
12:35 Tree of Eternity
12:39 Tree of Life
14:46 Moon Well
15:26 Ancient of Wonders
16:08 Moon Well
18:29 Tree of Life
19:39 Moon Well
23:22 Tree of Life
23:54 Tree of Life
23:58 Tree of Life
25:57 Ancient of Lore
31:15 Tree of Life
35:53 Ancient Protector
» items
Staff of Preservation1
1 total

Chat log

(00:12 / Allies) timg4strok: thought that was you for a sec lmao
(00:27 / Allies) Mata.: darnn . .
(00:38 / Allies) Mata.: tavless map
(00:44 / Allies) timg4strok: DK aint bad
(00:56 / Allies) timg4strok: they got orc nelf
(01:06 / Allies) Mata.: oh well that we can beat
(01:06 / Allies) timg4strok: dk ;lich is a poor mans chainwave i think
(01:40 / Allies) Mata.: nea
(02:13 / Allies) timg4strok: i have 2 p[ee again fuck
(02:22 / Allies) timg4strok: i always get urge at start of game but i hold it
(02:27 / Allies) timg4strok: it eventually goes away
(02:31 / Allies) timg4strok: and i forget
(02:36 / Allies) Mata.: but comes back stronger
(03:09 / Allies) timg4strok: t e ch i ng
(03:13 / Allies) timg4strok: is bueno
(03:19 / Allies) Mata.: that's not really tech
(03:21 / Allies) timg4strok: fs kotg
(03:22 / Allies) Mata.: that's normal play
(04:02 / Allies) timg4strok: r u rdy
(04:07 / Allies) Mata.: cing expo
(04:11 / Allies) timg4strok: aite same
(04:14 / Allies) timg4strok: theta is greek letter fyi
(04:17 / Allies) timg4strok: theta saberfang
(04:21 / Allies) Mata.: yeah i know
(04:46 / Allies) Mata.: b r t
(05:16 / Allies) timg4strok: H&H
(05:18 / Allies) Mata.: getting ron
(06:05 / Allies) Mata.: hehe:-)
(06:09 / Allies) Mata.: that' sownage
(06:28 / Allies) timg4strok: 400g wasted

(08:04 / Allies) Mata.: darn
(08:05 / Allies) Mata.: 3 pults eh
(08:12 / Allies) Mata.: hah
(08:20 / Allies) Mata.: yeah right
(08:38 / Allies) timg4strok: ill get opult
(08:39 / Allies) timg4strok: when he chase
(08:45 / Allies) timg4strok: nm lmao
(08:55 / Allies) Mata.: he have form movement
(09:13 / Allies) timg4strok: i love when siege shoots me as i run
(09:15 / Allies) timg4strok: it all hits him
(09:29 / Allies) timg4strok: owned
(09:29 / Allies) timg4strok: so
(09:30 / Allies) timg4strok: bad
(09:34 / Allies) Mata.: haha
(09:48 / Allies) Mata.: need lumber
(10:06 / Allies) Mata.: aint got much
(10:08 / Allies) Mata.: but i'm in
(10:26 / Allies) Mata.: fs
(11:24 / Allies) Mata.: okay i'll brt
(11:51 / Allies) timg4strok: pls hurry
(11:54 / Allies) Mata.: last try
(12:04 / Allies) timg4strok: 3 fiend
(12:40 / Allies) Mata.: troll expos
(12:52 / Allies) Mata.: getting stroyer
(12:57 / Allies) timg4strok: bears
(13:02 / Allies) Mata.: this will work
(13:22 / Allies) Mata.: stat inc
(13:59 / Allies) timg4strok: i need wood
(14:08 / Allies) Mata.: who dont
(14:37 / Allies) Mata.: hmm tauren
(14:38 / Allies) timg4strok: b completely
(14:46 / Allies) Mata.: yeah no tp
(14:54 / Allies) timg4strok: form teching
(14:56 / Allies) Mata.: got stroyerform
(14:59 / Allies) timg4strok: fuck
(15:00 / Allies) timg4strok: gimme wood
(15:02 / Allies) timg4strok: for barform
(15:03 / Allies) timg4strok: quick
(15:13 / Allies) Mata.: a nigga has like 2 ghoul
(15:34 / Allies) timg4strok: got bearform
(15:38 / Allies) timg4strok: and some bears
(15:38 / Allies) Mata.: okay
(15:48 / Allies) Mata.: going
(16:14 / Allies) timg4strok: goi
(16:19 / Allies) Mata.: gone
(17:04 / Allies) Mata.: i'm back
(17:07 / Allies) Mata.: ing
(17:42 / Allies) Mata.: we need a proper line
(17:43 / Allies) Mata.: can you tp
(17:46 / Allies) timg4strok: yeah
(18:02 / Allies) timg4strok: can you tp
(18:05 / Allies) Mata.: yes
(18:44 / Allies) timg4strok: gonna hit expansions
(18:54 / Allies) Mata.: okay
(18:58 / Allies) Mata.: i was grabbing some archers with coil
(19:02 / Allies) timg4strok: keep them busy
(19:06 / Allies) Mata.: can't do that
(19:10 / Allies) Mata.: made them retreat
(19:16 / Allies) Mata.: heading up there
(19:26 / Allies) Mata.: too much food to make more destro atm
(19:30 / Allies) Mata.: durign battle that'll solve itself

(21:21 / Allies) Mata.: fuck me
(21:22 / Allies) timg4strok: fs
(21:59 / Allies) timg4strok: they got no tp
(21:59 / Allies) Mata.: level 3 coilnova
(22:02 / Allies) Mata.: i'll do what i can
(22:06 / Allies) timg4strok: fs 300 hp
(22:10 / Allies) Mata.: yeah yeah wait for mana

(23:28 / Allies) Mata.: ne killed my expo
(23:36 / Allies) timg4strok: got fall
(23:39 / Allies) Mata.: nice
(24:31 / Allies) Mata.: dh
(24:32 / Allies) timg4strok: focus dh
(24:47 / Allies) Mata.: got that noob
(25:27 / Allies) Mata.: yads
(25:44 / Allies) Mata.: ugh
(25:47 / Allies) Mata.: don't let them get tha
(26:20 / Allies) Mata.: meet up at the ne expo
(26:43 / Allies) Mata.: i got dnd

(27:48 / Allies) Mata.: welling my dh
(27:48 / Allies) Mata.: dk
(27:53 / Allies) Mata.: Fuck
(28:08 / Allies) timg4strok: you need a main there monster bad
(28:16 / Allies) Mata.: i need gold is what i neeed
(29:01 / Allies) Mata.: haven't any idea what to get
(29:19 / Allies) Mata.: we'll need to save that, then
(29:23 / Allies) Mata.: tping with everything
(29:42 / Allies) timg4strok: kill smart cow
(30:08 / Allies) Mata.: got dh
(30:08 / Allies) timg4strok: nuke smart cow pls
(30:12 / Allies) Mata.: brt
(30:39 / Allies) Mata.: they're nuked
(30:43 / Allies) Mata.: haha fuck
(30:59 / Allies) Mata.: hmm
(31:06 / Allies) Mata.: ne is still getting gold
(31:07 / Allies) Mata.: is problem
(31:39 / Allies) timg4strok: got fall
(31:40 / Allies) Mata.: we ened to take army
(31:40 / Allies) Mata.: go
(32:06 / Allies) Mata.: fs
(32:43 / Allies) Mata.: heading there after for the defense
(32:53 / Allies) Mata.: a zep a few min ago would have won this
(32:55 / Allies) Mata.: too poor now though
(33:14 / Allies) timg4strok: i got 600g
(33:20 / Allies) Mata.: i can unsummon
(33:47 / Allies) timg4strok: mana
(33:47 / Allies) timg4strok: pls
(33:57 / Allies) Mata.: br
(34:06 / Allies) Mata.: back
(34:28 / Allies) timg4strok: yad pumping
(34:30 / Allies) timg4strok: cant make bear
(34:31 / Allies) timg4strok: mine is up
(34:33 / Allies) Mata.: nice
(34:36 / Allies) Mata.: yad betetr imho
(35:16 / Allies) Mata.: i'll ff the dh
(35:17 / Allies) Mata.: watch out
(35:21 / Allies) timg4strok: got fall
(35:23 / Allies) timg4strok: fight at tree
(35:24 / Allies) timg4strok: do not move
(35:28 / Allies) timg4strok: im falling in abck
(35:37 / Allies) Mata.: they are pullen out
(36:05 / Allies) Mata.: if my dk gets full mana we can probably take an army or two
(36:10 / Allies) Mata.: well hope i am right
(37:06 / Allies) Mata.: now we need to counter
(37:07 / All) Returned: thats gg
(37:11 / All) Mata.: very gg imho
(37:14 / All) timg4strok: yes
(37:15 / All) timg4strok: gg